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Road Safety Solutions Municipalities and Smart Cities

Automated detection of traffic violations, including failure to stop, improper turns, and wrong-way driving, with high-resolution cameras that track vehicle behavior, verify license plates, and facilitate violation processing.
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Disobeying A Stop Sign

The camera detects if the vehicle did not come to a complete stop before the stop line. Our compact, all-weather AI-powered cameras operate flawlessly day and night, delivering precise results in residential areas without disruptive flash or radar technologies. Furthermore, our system is equipped to verify license plates, manage the mailing of violations or warning letters, and offer a portal for payment and disputes.

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Failure to Make A Proper Turn

The camera detects if the vehicle made an illegal left turn, right turn or U-turn. The camera is equipped with high-resolution technology that captures detailed images and videos of vehicles making illegal turns that don’t follow the provided sign. Including any variations such as no turn on red or time-restricted turns.

Driving in the Wrong Direction

The camera detects if the vehicle has entered a street or lane reserved for one-way traffic. Upon detecting a wrong-way driving incident, the recording captures the violating vehicle, its license plate, the timestamp, and the location data so that appropriate action can be taken.

Failure to Yield to Pedestrians

The camera detects if the vehicle failed to stop for the pedestrian crossing the roadway within a crosswalk. Upon detecting a failure to stop for a pedestrian, the recording captures the violating vehicle, its license plate, the pedestrian, the timestamp, and the location data so that appropriate action can be taken.

Obstructing Traffic At An Intersection

The camera detects if vehicles entering an intersection and getting stuck there, subsequently blocking the path of other vehicles or pedestrians when the signal changes.

Disobeying a Traffic Control Signal

The camera system captures a vehicle running a red light. By comparing the behavior of detected vehicles to the signal’s status, the software can determine whether a vehicle is complying with the traffic control signal.

Traffic Audit For Traffic Management And Urban Planning Needs

traffic study -

Our Traffic Audit service utilizes solar-powered cameras at strategic intersections for in-depth traffic pattern analysis. These cameras track various metrics, including

  • vehicles failing to stop
  • directional vehicle counts
  • people counting
  • classification by vehicle type
    • trucks
    • passenger cars
    • bicycles
    • motorcycles

We offer flexible analysis periods, accommodating 1-day, 3-day, and 7-day studies. Additionally, custom model solutions and alternative study durations are available to meet specific traffic management and urban planning needs.

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